Thursday, July 19, 2012

Casting News

In the past 2 weeks, I have been cast in 2 completely different shorts.  In one, I was cast as an owner of a hotel, in the other as a crazy mother. Looking forward to working on both of them!!!


So, that workshop that I told you about way back in April? Well, guess I really did like it...cuz since then I've taken Jimmy Carrane's class once and am almost through a second term. Plus, if that's not enough Improv for one person, I just stared classes at the Annoyance.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Normal Completed

I just read on facebook that NORMAL has been completed. Yay! Can't wait to see it!!!! This was the film where I kinda got to do my first film stunt!

Improv Workshop

I spent a couple of hours this afternoon at an Improv workshop. It was taught by Jimmy Carrane. It was much fun and learned a lot! Has been awhile since I've taken any improv classes so this was good:) 

Slackers Short

A couple of weeks ago I worked on the film SLACKERS. I got to play a teacher. Can't wait to see it when it's done...which should be any day now!